Sowing Seeds

Ecclesiastes 11:6 (AMP) "Sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle with your hands in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening planting will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good."
I love gardening. I really enhjoy the work of preparing the soil and then planting the seeds. There have been times where I planted seeds only to see some of them come up and some of them don't. One thing I have learned about gardening is that seeds have a mind of their own. Sometimes the seeds produce and sometimes the seeds fail. Kind of like life if you think about it. Sometimes we experience success and sometimes we experience failure. I believe that is what King Solomon is trying to tell us here; sometimes you experience success and sometimes yo uexperience failure. The point is to keep going no matter what.
When we experience failure in life, we have a tendency to see failure as a our future. We think when something fails we are the failure, so we give up. Here'e the thing; the seeds for tomorrow's successes lie in the failures of today. We may fail at something today; however, what we learn from the failure is what we need to see success tomorrow. The key is to not stay idle, to keep going, and to keep trusting that God has something better for you. Just because you fail at something today doesn't make you a failure; every setback is the opening for a comeback. 

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